Terry (Rocky) Weinburger After graduation from the Venard in 67 and going to GE for two years, I vaguely recall there were a few gravesites on campus. Were they men who had been Maryknoll seminarians, then left and served in the military during the Vietnam conflict? Did they request to be buried on the grounds? If so, what happened to the site when the property was sold? Is there a way of retrieving the information about who these service personnel were? Perhaps other Maryknollers will know if this was the case and if true, who these individuals were and perhaps they will have more information about their connection.

One Vietnam War vet, Jim Clifcorn, KIA, was buried at GE after my time and when GE closed, he was reburied at the Knoll. There was the grotto off a ways with a big wooden structure with a cross. Maybe that was a cemetery.